Steal All Paswords with laZagne - Tutorial Kali Linux -->

Steal All Paswords with laZagne

What is laZagne?
lazagne is a very useful tool especially for viewing ID and passwords stored on your computer.
what's more if you are forgetful, then this tool is highly recommended.
okay .. just how to run this tool:
  • after it's finished downloading, you drug the file and enter it on the Desktop page.
  • Extract the Zip file on the Desktop page..
after that open CMD and type:
  • C:\Users\user> cd Desktop
 see the menu available, type:
  • C:\User\user\Desktop> laZagne.exe -h
for example we want to see all the passwords that have been stored on a computer, type:
  • C:\Users\user\Desktop> laZagne.exe all
Done Here 😉
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